The owner and entity responsible for this website is the TIC Salut Social Foundation, a body belonging to the Government of Catalonia that promotes the development and use of ICT.
Its identification details are as follows:
Name: TIC Salut Social Foundation
Tax Identification Number: G64350374
Postal address: C/de Roc Boronat, 81-95. 08005 Barcelona
Tel.: +34 93 553 26 42
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This website offers information, tips and other content prepared by the TIC Salut Social Foundation in relation to the Promotion and development of Artificial Intelligence in the Catalan Health System for the purposes of dissemination, information and awareness. The User is informed that all this content, despite being prepared based on the highest possible levels of quality and knowledge, does not at any time provide specific advice on technological and/or legal matters nor guidelines aimed at resolving specific issues. In any case, the TIC Salut Social Foundation reserves the right to modify, delete, develop or update the content unilaterally without prior notice and without accepting any liability.
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The contents of the website are subject to intellectual property, with the exceptions provided for in Article 13 of Royal Legislative Decree 1/1996, of 12 April, approving the consolidated text of the Law on intellectual property. Therefore, any use or copy that users make of this content, or others that may be included in the future, must be carried out following the provisions and respecting the limitations of the aforementioned regulations.
The TIC Salut Social Foundation explicitly reserves the rights in general with respect to all the content disseminated on the website that is the subject of intellectual property.
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Use of this website is at the user’s own risk.The TIC Salut Social Foundation does not guarantee that the website and the server are free of viruses and is not liable for any damage caused by accessing the website or by the impossibility of accessing it.Likewise, the TIC Salut Social Foundation is not liable for any information that may be obtained through links to external systems that are not dependent on the TIC Salut Social Foundation.
The TIC Salut Social Foundation reserves the right to make changes to the website without prior notice, adding, modifying, correcting or deleting the published content or the design of the website, in order to keep the information up to date.
The TIC Salut Social Foundation will not be liable for the use made by third parties of the information published on the website.
For the purposes of the provisions of current data protection regulations and other applicable legislation, the TIC Salut Social Foundation informs Users and any third party who processes personal data about its personal data protection policy, which is available on the website, at the following link “Privacy Policy”. The website also contains cookies, whose characteristics are described in the corresponding “Cookies Policy”.
Through the information published on the transparency portal of this website, the TIC Salut Social Foundation periodically monitors the principle of active advertising established by Law 19/2013 of 9 December, on transparency, access to public information and good governance, with the appropriate mechanisms to facilitate the accessibility, interoperability, quality and reuse of information, as well as its identification and location.
The TIC Salut Social Foundation reserves the right to modify, restrict, temporarily or permanently, the access and/or use of this website, with or without prior notice in particular including, but not limited to, the following situations: