SISCAT and research center managers delve into the field of artificial intelligence in health

The TIC Salut Social Foundation and the Catalan Society of Health Management have organized a training session for the top leaders of the hospital and research centers of the Catalan public health system, within the framework of the Health/AI Program.

26 JANUARY 2024

About sixty managers and senior representatives from the centers of the Catalan public healthcare system (SISCAT) and health research centers participated in the training ‘Implantation of artificial intelligence in health organizations‘, held last January 23 at the Academy headquarters in Barcelona.

The objectives of the session, framed in the strategic line of training of the Health/AI Program, were to deepen the understanding of the potential of artificial intelligence (AI) in health care, improve the capabilities of taking decisions for the acquisition of AI solutions, foster strategic insights for their implementation, provide an overview of the current state of AI and future prospects, and work in an aligned and transversal manner to advance its systemic implantation.

The TIC Salut Social Foundation and the Societat Catalana de Gestió Sanitària organized the training, with the support of the Catalan Department of Health and Catsalut. For more information, check out the program of the day, which covered a wide range of issues related to the implementation of this technology in the field of health, by top-level experts.

Training program

Welcome and course objectives

  • Pol Pérez, Director of the CatSalut Information Systems Area.
  • Ignasi Riera, Vice-President of the Societat Catalana de Gestió Sanitària.
  • Joan Guanyabens, Director of the ICT Social Health Foundation.


Presentation of the training program

  • Susanna Aussó, Head of AI at the TIC Salut Social Foundation and secretary of the Health/AI Program.

Social and economic dimension of AI

  • Genís Roca, President of the PuntCat Foundation.

Fundamentals of AI

  • Jordi Vitrià, Professor of the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science at the University of Barcelona.

Lifecycle of data in AI

  • Julián Isla, founder of the twenty-nine Foundation, and Head of Data and AI Resources at Microsoft

Regulation of AI: civil liability

  • Mònica Navarro, Associate Professor at the Faculty of Law of the University of Barcelona.

Security in the application of AI

  • Tomás Roy, Director of the Cybersecurity Agency of Catalonia.
  • Maria José Campo, Director of the Office of the Health Data Protection Delegate.


The Health/AI Program in Catalonia

  • Ramon Maspons, Director of the Innovation Area at AQuAS.
  • Karina Gibert, Director of the Intelligent Data Science and Artificial Intelligence Research Center (IDEAI-UPC). Dean of the Official College of Computer Engineers of Catalonia (COEINF).


Ethical considerations in AI

  • Moderator: Susanna Aussó, Head of AI at TIC Salut Social Foundation and secretary of the Health/AI Program.
  • Itziar de Lecuona, Professor in the Department of Medicine and Director of the Bioethics and Law Observatory, UNESCO Chair in Bioethics at the University of Barcelona.
  • Albert Sabater, Director of the Ethics Observatory in Artificial Intelligence Chair of Catalonia (OEIAC).
  • Manel Sanromà, President of CIVICAi.


Strategic vision of AI focused on the Manager

  • Moderator: Josep Maria Monguet, professor in the Engineering and Design Area of the UPC and CRO of Innex.
  • Xavier Borrat. Anesthesiologist and head of the Clinical Informatics Department at the Hospital Clínic.
  • Anna Escalé. Family and community doctor at the Institut Català de la Salut.
  • Sergi Iglesia. Managing Director of the Salut Empordà Foundation.



  • Dr. José Ibeas, Director of the Health/AI Program.


  • Pol Pérez, Director of the CatSalut Information Systems Area.
  • Joan Guanyabens, Director of the TIC Salut Social Foundation.