In order to ensure the proper use of medicines, health professionals must ensure that they provide the necessary information about medicines to patients and the public, with the aim of adhering patients to their therapeutic plan to optimize the therapeutic results and educate themselves in the proper use of these products. The concept of drug information is defined as the set of knowledge and techniques in the field of drugs that seek to optimize therapy in the interest of patients and society. Adequate information to patients about the use of their pharmacological treatments has demonstrated a significant increase in adherence. On the contrary, the adverse effects of medications can cause significant morbidity and mortality and have significant economic costs. Some of these adverse effects are preventable, including those related to inadequate patient education and low adherence.
Solutions based on Artificial Intelligence (AI) to provide information on medicines to patients, caregivers and citizens.
The Health Quality and Evaluation Agency of Catalonia (AQuAS) published on 12 July 2023 the information and the bases of the open market consultation open to capture the availability in the market, or the possibilities that the market can develop, of solutions based on AI to provide information on medicines to patients, caregivers and citizens in the health system of Catalonia. The main benefits that are intended to be achieved with the future implementation of this type of solution are:
– Patients, caregivers and citizens with greater knowledge in relation to medicines and health.
– Providing a validated source to carers and citizens to obtain specific information regarding their questions about medications.
– Increase the response capacity of the health system to interact with citizens, avoiding the saturation of ordinary face-to-face and/or telephone health services.
– Increase the referentiality of the health system in the digital environment as a provider of reliable information sources in relation to medicines.
– Increase the capacity of the health system to design precise interventions through the information collected by the solution.
The interested parties to participate have until July 24, 2023 (10 natural days following the publication) to send the documentation indicated in the bases.
On July 12, 2023, the details of the bases of the development of the consultation in the market were presented. The act is now available on the channel from YouTube of the TIC Salut Social Foundation:
10:00h – Apertura y presentación del Centro virtual de inteligencia artificial en el medicamento (CIAM).
10:15h – El Programa Salud/IA y la implementación de la inteligencia artificial en el Sistema de Salud de Catalunya.
10:30h – La importancia de proporcionar adecuadamente información de los medicamentos a los pacientes, cuidadores y ciudadanía.
10:45h – Estado del arte de los asistentes virtuales en el ámbito del medicamento y los principios FUTURE-AI.
11:00h – El Proceso de la Consulta Preliminar en el Mercado.
11:15h – Turno abierto de preguntas.
11:30h – Clausura.
The final report on the results of the preliminary market consultation can now be consulted on the Public Procurement Services Platform. Available on this link.